I have a toddler and another kid due soon and I am thinking about getting a dog for my kid(s). Well of course I am debating about it and weighing out the pros and cons of getting a dog. I am thinking about whether it is financially viable or not? How much would it cost to feed the dog on a monthly basis? What about vaccination? What if they get sick? What about grooming? If we go on vacation how much would it cost for a pet hotel or someone to take care of your dog?
Now what about time? I am at work 8-10 hours a day. My wife is at work 6 hours a day and my toddler is at daycare. It doesn't seem like it would make sense to get a dog at a young age especially if we're not going to be home for the most part unless we go on Mat/Pat leave. How long would it take for the dog to be independent for at least 6 hours?
Anyways aside from all of that is it worth it? I heard a lot of good things about owning a dog, especially for growing children. I want my kids to have a pet to play with, I'm sure it'll help them develop in so many ways. But is it worth the strain on your time and money? We are a young growing family. If you are in my situation or have been in my situations feel free to comment on your previous or current situation or challenges that you have or had face!